syn13 wrote:
Is it because we’re playing 13 or is it because the new bye structure is more fantasy friendly? More teams playing and less teams on bye (10/7 vs 8/8 ), plus because of the way byes used to be set up, having good numbers in both byes required turning over damn near your entire team in 4 weeks, whereas now, the byes are spaced out over 7 rounds and there’s enough teams playing certain key rounds to be able to field good numbers with a lot less turnover
Hit the nail on it's head
Everyone knew the pool of players they would need for the bye period, especially round 13
There have been multiple articles and people talking about it non stop but some prefer to wait until it is too late
There were always going to be players who were on the cusp of origin too, it all came down to how many you wanted to gamble on
Origin guns who would throw up a huge score and still people traded 2 solid players for the shiny new toy and an unplayable red dot
Throw in injuries and some form and you only have yourself to blame if you didn't plan
Planning could have been as easy as "They play the first bye and are a kiwi so no origin"
"I have 3 rd13 mids, will grab someone who plays the opposite ones for coverage"
Some people like to chase the shiny new cheap player every week with a bench role
Or saw an origin gun score huge on week so trade hard and kill their depth to grab them.
I am guessing this is reflected in their squad value or ranking
For people who held trades then they should be fine
If you have a bye friendly team with a less trades for a few injuries/fixes then you should be ok as well
Everyone else will just have to pray to the fantasy gods