-snake draft
-2016 NRL squads
-17 players plus a coach that can be selected at any time
-12 hours for picks, but no amnesty, so when the person before you has picked, your 12 hours starts
-you can forward ranked picks to myself or someone else to pick for you if you feel you may may miss a pick window
-if you do miss a pick window, you receive a player from the Pool of Tools
-once a pick is made it remains
-Draft Order is:
-Pool of Tools:
Jono Wright
Rory Kostjaysn
Tim Moltzen
Luke Kelly
Okey Cokey. We've had a couple of Trade and Auction games over the last year. Do we have takers for a Draft Game?
I will run it (starting threads and maintaining the draft order/picks/taking pre-picks etc). If we go ahead I would not start it till mid next week. Basic rules and up for discussion as a framework:
-Snake Draft
-6 or 12 hours per pick (agree by consensus)
-Draft order via a method that everyone agrees with
-17 man squad (interest seems to wane trying to collect the scraps to get to 25)
-Votes on best squad collated at the end, leading to:
...drum roll...
The inaugural Fanatics Draft Champion being named.*
*probably named a cheat, a cunt etc, but still named
Last edited by SI on Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:27 am; edited 5 times in total