by Teeth Eater Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:32 pm
Good times. Enjoying the exchange but just want to throw a bit of a curveball out there.
So the news about McInnes I took as a bit of a whack to the scrotum. He was the first name I jotted down in my notes at the end of last year, and the first entry into my team this year. Haven't even considered moving on him this year. Probably he, Paps, Koro and I guess Luai are the only ones I haven't tinkered with at all.
Point is, I want him in me- in my squad. I want him in my squad.
So, my question is - let's just say he's out for round one... possibly even round two. But for the sake of the argument, let's just say he's out for round one only. Is there anyone on the planet aside from I that would still consider bringing him in to start with anyway?
I have 100% faith in Koro to score like a keeper at hooker until he inevitably gets injured this year so I'm happy with that, and I have enough confidence that my 18th man surely gets a decent enough score for round one too. I guess worse comes to worse, I use McInnes as a loop? Then come round two I have the man of my dreams primed and ready to go and probably few other will?
Is this madness, or is it a spectacular idea?