by Pookus McFly Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:31 pm
I don’t know if i’m well suited to go far in this game, but I sure enjoyed playing. In season 1, I started an alliance with Multiplescoregasms and together we pulled in some regular posters from our tribe into a majority group. But then because im a chaotic lunatic, I immediately contacted every single person who wasn’t in my alliance and made a completey new alliance with them (No regrets, Falconsloth!). Actually got the drop on them with less numbers too, thanks to more epic shitwankery. I was also committing the ultimate taboo by talking to mattnz over on the Minto tribe and all the while narcing on all the private conversations and intel back to B/L just because I couldn't get enough of that sweet, sweet betrayal. I never had a real plan, and I got caught out pretty quickly, but I feel that if I played again my gameplan would still be to cause as much chaos as quickly as I can. But you can only be Johnny Fairplay once before people are onto you, so I will probably just watch this season. But I fully endorse a villainous route for any player who wants to have a hell of a lot of fun. Just don’t fuck with Welshy, alright?