Thank you guys!
So from myself and SI, we would just like to thank everyone for their involvement this pre-season in helping get the Fantasy Fanatics community and leagues off the ground. We are very thankful in the fact that we have had such a large turn out for the Fantasy Leagues that has allowed us to fill up 7 entire leagues. We are also sorry for those who were unlucky enough to get placed in time. (Revraiser and DarkKnight looking at you guys.) We are also thankful to those guys taking part in our VSDT leagues.
We would like to specifically thank Bren, Honeysett, Mighty Fishes and Loomer for their part in helping create, invite and manage the NRL Fantasy Leagues. Thankyou to Bullbender and Welshy for doing the same in our VSDT leagues. Thankyou to Your Name for both helping and taunting Honeysett. Also thanks to ST who came out of Leagues co-ordinator retirement to get stuck in and help polish the VSDT leagues off.
A big shout out to the following guys as well. Beast and Mearcats whose comprehensive team analysis are a thing of beauty. PhilGouldsChins again for supplying a breakdown of what an NRL Fantasy Winner goes through in a year. Krump just for being Krump. Milchcow whose amazing stat sheet and team planner helped many sort and breakdown their teams. Honeysett once again for the beautiful banner. We are also very thankful of the quality of our newer posters. A lot of you are becoming wonderful contributors, both with Fantasy knowledge and the all important friendly banter. Oh and we have to thank Pacey's Best because even though he hasn't done it yet, we know he will end up posting a lot of the team lists just before each individual game.
So all and all thank you to everyone who is a part of the Fantasy Fanatics community. Seeing almost every single one of our Sportal posters sign up here over the last few months was amazing, and we apologies to all the people we haven't named. It just shows how great this community has become in such a short time.
Also go the Broncos, and Tim Simona!