by Guest Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:38 am
I’ve had Sloan down in NPR all preseason, thoughts is obviously he’s a starting FB at $250k and handy loop for round 1.
Had another thought though, potentially running another playing cow round 1 and essentially rolling the dice to see how they go, with the opportunity to go and use a trade round 2 to Sloan for a failing cow.
It’s an interesting that both ways can have negative and positive outcomes, I’d like to know other people’s thoughts on it.
The player you roll the dice with instead of looping Sloan could be the one that takes off, making large coin and potentially using a trade to bring that guy in anyway. But this means you’d be looking at a trade to bring Sloan in and potentially a lower round one score.
Starting with Sloan essentially gives you a loop with a chance of increased round 1 points yet a player who won’t earn you anything in terms of coin, and a missed opportunity at a playing cow.