Revraiser wrote:Here's where some get the shits with Rev.... Try Assists.
Are we kidding, for example this Arey to Crichton last night - it's all Crichton. Once Crichton has the ball (rewatch from that point only) he does numerous things/decisions which result in a great try. If the nice pass from Arey results in Crichton running an almost straight line and scoring then u may have a case. But just being the last pass - no way.
Who passed it to Arey ? Who made Arey's last meal ? Het my drift lol... bit extreme i know. But how far back do u go.
Same as a kick that is mishandled by the defense and then the kickers team score, no way that should be a TA.
Let the food throwing begin !
When I first started playing fantasy that would of been a ta. Now they seem to be stricter on what defines a ta. If the person scoring the try has more work to do in scoring the try they tend not to give the try assist. So last night Crichton still had to beat Tedesco so I can see why they didn't give it because he made the try not A-Rey. Just like last round when they didn't give Norman the ta when Gutherson scored because Gutherson made the try himself by stepping, changing direction, etc. The problem arises because all the fanhub scorers (or whoever does the scoring) don't seem to be consistent. One night a fanhub scorer doesn't give A-Rey the ta. On another night a different fanhub scorer will give A-Rey the ta. This is why fantasy has a lot of luck involved because depending on which fanhub scorers are working on a specific night & a specific game you might get a lenient fanhub scorer or a more stricter fanhub scorer.