by Guest Mon Aug 12, 2019 8:22 am
No Worries wrote:Can someone tell me why the glassy shouted me a beer ?
I think it was because you necked your full beer when he came to grab the empties to make his life easier, well that's my theory anyways being the champ you are
Wish more glassies were like this, making more work by giving out beers haha. Top bloke
Perhaps he is a fantasy fanatic or lurker, guess we will never find this out
All i know was getting a beer round was easier than getting a round of gravy haha
And the next day I had this craving for kettle chips, i still don't know why ....
Good times and was great meeting you all.
For the others on the fence and unsure on meeting strangers off the internet or being out of their comfort zone, it's well worth doing and a good day out.
The other thing is on the next meetup they aren't strangers, so would encourage more to come