by FaringdonSwirl Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:40 am
Have had a go at this long term planning thing. Tear it apart if it doesn't make sense and I will have another crack. This is based on bringing in RTS and Havili this week. Still not sold on Havili but whoever I trade in will likely end up at 17/18 alongside Crichton so needs to be a reasonable scorer. Too low on trades to be bringing in cows right? (I have 11 after trades this week.)
Haas, D Saifiti
Jurbo, X, X
Cleary, Pearce
Ramien, Niu
Ponga, Pappy, RTS
JFH, Robson, X, Havili
S Crichton, X, X, X
Lucy, Young, Brailey
Sironen, Paix, HTF (though may hold him as he doesn't provide much cash)
So Lucy and Young become 2 keeper 2RFs. Plan was Tevaga next and DFifi the week after, but will see if the timeline matches up. Current prices put that as a 386k upgrade, but I'd say it would be closer to 300k.
I think Brailey needs to become a half. Will see who is around in 3 weeks. Can hopefully get a gun half to drop Pearce to the bench for ~100k.
Current bank of 200k, plus cashing out Sironen/Paix should cover those trades, and allow me to save a trade cashing out HTF. If all that goes to plan I would've used 5 trades, bringing me down to 6 to cover the final 6-7 rounds.