by sets Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:26 am
my tv broke wrote:
I agree to some extent, in that it doesn't really matter, so why not have some fun.
But at the same time, if you're still playing the game, I assume it is to improve your rank, so why wouldn't you just captain the person with the best chance of scoring the most points? Regardless of what other people are doing.
To me that is Haas or Cleary.
Yes it is very very veerrrry likely Haas and clearly go large.
But if you are ranked 1000, you still will be ranked 1000 after the weekend....
With only 4 weeks left, its impossible to claw back an inch at a time.
Unless you care about personal best ranks,... then I guess, go for it. But after playing this for many years now, from my experience, I dgaf about my rank in any year, unless I am getting a prize, or at leat a chance to win.
With 4 rounds left, rank 500plus, you are not going to gain many ranks (if any) by picking the same cappy as all the others in front of you