by easytiger Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:09 am
Just some general thoughts on not owning Cleary and scoring in general.
I seldom count points during the game, there are always going to be those stats that are a little subjective - which just leads to irritation and annoyance about things you really can't control - which would lessen my enjoyment of the game.
I prefer Fantasy to be something that increases my interest - so I tend to lazily watch my players with an eye for the general vibe/energy/role/ability they are bringing in a game - the stats will tell me later what they "actually" scored - and then I accept/celebrate/lament it and move on.
I get that Cleary's in-game scoring or after game adjustments are frustrating as a non-owner, but, it's a decision that you've made.
Last year I did the same thing for Payne Haas - and I promise he almost always adjusted up - at times upwards of 10 points.
The thing is, you knew Cleary had the highest average heading into 2021, and you knew a third of entrants would own him and the majority of that will Captain him. That's where the harm is - not just what he scores, but inconjunction with ownership (if he was owned by 1% of teams, probably not much of an issue).
So, you either choose to take on the risk (and hope for he duds some games and gets cheaper) or you avoid the risk, run with him and choose a different battleground.
If you don't run with him, you need to have some level of contingency planning for if he starts fast and you want him.
When you take on that risk and it doesn't pan out, you have to be prepared to either say bad decision - I'll use two trades to get him in, or you back yourself, accept where things are at, and look for creative ways to offset the damage.
If it's all gone pear shaped, you at least have the opportunity to try things that you normally wouldn't do (play more/less conservative with trades/selections - see what you can get out of it and build for 2022 on the back of those mistakes).
Anyway, just my 2c. Kia Kaha
PS> Starting without Haas last year, I'd planned to pick him up around round 5-7, in the end it took till Round 13 (he then was out for round 15-16). I had Taumalolo as my alternative Captain - which was okay, until he was ruled out Round 4, and I had to trade to get someone that could fill in as Captain. My 2020 rank was one of my worst in recent times, but I think it has probably made me a better player as a result.