No Worries wrote:What do you call it when Milchcow masturbates?
Beef Strokinoff.
I'm not sure what prompted this but I would like to say I am OK with it.
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No Worries wrote:What do you call it when Milchcow masturbates?
Beef Strokinoff.
No Worries wrote:@Finch Mate we all get like that at different times. Plenty of history it this thread of people sruggling with the black dog and going through hard times. We're all ears, happy to lend a shoulder and it's a safe place. Men's health is something we take seriously in here and I myself am pretty proud to say I'm a member of this forum with it's history and the way guys band together and can talk.
Finch wrote:Thanks. Sometimes it's just like "Ugh, what's the point?"
Finch wrote:Thanks. Sometimes it's just like "Ugh, what's the point?"
filthridden wrote:Had a good massage lately HS?
Revraiser wrote:Hey Finch, what happened to ur dancing friend, the lads who was a little older ?
code delta wrote:G'day Finch,
maybe you just need to find a hobby to get interested in.
Photography is a good time waster. I go for a walk at our local wetlands every other day. I haven't added much lately as I'm a bit down on things like you but check this out to show what getting interested in something can achieve.
Photography can work with being solitary. Take photos of flowers, sunsets get up early for a sunrise (stuff that ).