thomglomerate wrote:Okay here’s a conundrum for the brains trust. I only have two playing wfb, pap and rapina. Talou back next week and gagai likely a trade out. Trading Hass to May leaves me with enough money to turn gagai into any one under $684k. However I’m not seeing anyone who is a keeper at that price OR anyone who will make money. So would it be insane to chase cash by ignoring the wfb position for a week and picking up Lussick instead?
Probably a 30 point hit in exchange for 40k cash?
Feels insane to not play a full 17 this early but cash gen has been so hard to come by and there’s only a couple of weeks to collect Galvin, Lussick etc before the opportunity is gone?
Edit: also yikes is that what the default avatar looks like? Grim.
684k is enough to get Turbo, just do that.