by Archer Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:21 am
Welshy wrote:
Name is always going to be a thing arch, doesn't even have to be equal form! Some player might be in better form but if this is the first season showing that you will always revert back to the name!
look at all great international sides, guarentee there are players not picked having better, more productive seasons! The name will win out, its all about consistency and longevity that the talent has been shown.
I'll repost a condensed and probably worse attempt at responding then...
I Acknowledged there was a place for looking at a players name in my first post, my point about this part was that it often takes far longer to acknowledge a player isn't the same bloke because we look at his form through rose tinted glasses. If David mead had the same season as James Roberts this year, nobody would say it was an ok season, they'd proclaim he was a plodder and use that season as an example why!
So when a player makes a name, even if its off the back of one good season, it takes a hell of a lot longer before any one acknowledges they aren't the same player, because they view any form after that period favourably. Anyway, I've had multiple posts that have been lost (I blame my work's network personally) so I've lost the steam, gotta get back to work anyway as lunch is over