danseels1985 wrote:Any thoughts on my team please:
Smith McInnes
McGuire FKaufusi Brown Ese ese
JDB Surgess Crichton Elliot CHN Fuimaono
SJ Norman Niko Hampton
BJ Aubusson Kelly Idris
RTS Slater Hayne Suli Phythian
18 trades and 220k left. Was thinking Norman to Walker and Suli to Munster. Anybody got any other suggestions?
Those two are solid choices.
With Niko's run about to end soon, hopefully CHN solidifies himself as a starter so you can use that as your 4th reserve. Otherwise you may need to free up some more cash to upgrade him too
BJ has been pissing me off. I'm benching him this week and using Moga until he shows he gives a damn. Everyone can thank me on Monday for a massive score from him