ryno_ wrote:
The very first one;
"It snowed over 4 inches this past weekend in New York City. It is still October. So much for Global Warming."
Hmmm. Im going to guess neither you or him are scientists?
Science is theory, experiments and thesis. Continually debunking each other's findings is part and parcel. Every day occurrence. There was a time when one 'scientist' said the earth was a sphere. He was laughed at by the 'flat earth' scientists. Who was right? Ditto, another was laughed at for his theory on gravity...you'd have heard of him. He was a laughing stock for a while. Who was right?
You're correct though, I'm not a scientist, but 30,000 of them are on record as saying it is a hoax. I a well educated though. I know you aren't a scientist either, so what was the point of your rhetorical question? It's a scam in mine and many other prominent leader's opinions.
Back to fantasy.