JFH - minutes were surely increased last week due to the Yeo HIA. Merrin only at 40mins and that could rise. Playing 50mins he might average 40? What are people expecting from him?
Maloney - He is tempting. I can see his scoring looking something like this:
G 8, TA 5, TCK 16, TB 6, MT - 16, ER -2. PC -4, MG 8, FDO 2, KM 15. = 38.
Maybe add a couple of points for the odd try and he might average 40-42?
Peni Terepo:
1st game last week but played 49mins for 45. Why did he play 49mins? I know Browns minutes were down and Pritchard came off.
Previously a good scorer with a ppm above 0.85, he really does just need minutes.