by Speedball Deluxe Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:59 pm
I have 293k left in the bank, and I don't want to change a thing (i think... read on).
I've managed to save that much by starting undervalued players who I think will score very similarly as fully priced (reached their max value) players, think Barba instead of Moylan. Hastings instead of Blake Green etc.
By doing this, when those undervalued players have peaked I can then put the saved money towards upgrading them to a gun.
It is risky, but I see that this is the aim of the game. Basically if at all possible the whole of your 17 should be filled with players who are undervalued (with each player able to match that of a player who is at full price). Their are a few exceptions where I have purchased keeper guns, but when I have even those I see as value, e.g. Surgess and Taupau (rather than say JBrom or Parker who I think are at their peak and there is no value in them). I do have smith for captain though.
Is this sound game theory?? (for overall not H2H)