by Oz Sport Mad Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:55 pm
Pieman wrote:
People keep doing them because of the light suspension they get. They dont get heavy handed suspensions, thats the issue here.
Unintentional or not, they happen. And if they happen the offender should be punished heavily, every single time. Not just if there is an injury or not.
Normally I'd discuss what a deadset simpleton you are right now.....but to be honest, most people think like you do in this regard.
IMO it is completely flawed logic though.
All players, Joe O included, know very fucking well they will be heavily suspended for any tackle that ends up like this.
So I can almost 100% guarantee Joe had no idea that something like that was going to happen when he went into that tackle.
Clumsy yes, intentional no.
So what does suspending them actually do?
Give him 3 weeks or give him 30 weeks, unfortunately these tackles will continue to happen accidentally.
Personally, I would love a shake up of the judiciary and 'intent' to be the focus.
Then avoidable high tackles like Gallen's on the weekend will be penalised and fans won't be missing seeing the players they like to watch for unintentional mistakes.
Yes it will be completely subjective and a bastard to try and adjudicate but at least we'll be suspending players for a reason, rather than this moronic false sense of security we have that players will be 'learning' from suspensions that they won't actually be learning from.