by Archer Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:18 pm
VikingTaxman wrote:Oh, and should I get Croker now, or wait till next week?
I came in my pants when I read the line-up, and yes, it was green.
You my boy blue. Sorry about the RTS call, i still think it will work out best for you in the long run but that was just horrible luck with the timing of everything.
As for Toots, if you are dead set on getting him either this week or next, its a tricky call. On one hand he's just returning from injury so he might be a little slow out of the blocks, perhaps he doesn't regain goal kicking right away etc. On the other hand, we are 0-2, its another game at home and we've destroyed the tigpies in recent history so there is every chance he picks up a try or two himself, has the goal kicking when we rack up a score and ends up with a huge score. The question i'd ask you though is whether getting in Croker now does more for your team than another trade (and it very well may, I'm just asking).