So Mbye is only coached to pass left on the 5th tackle?Shanbon wrote:
As bad as the spine is you cant just blame them. Its a team problem that has come from the coaching. The perfect example tonight was when attacking Eastwood busts a tackle turns gets a great offload off and then the guy who gets the ball looks up to the left and has 3 players to choose from to pass the ball too, Mybe next to him, Hoppa wrapping around and further wide James Graham. Guess what happens? He cuts out the 2 play makers and gives the ball to Graham, he does that thing he does where he runs to the line then slow as all hell passes wider. That pass mind you then finds another forward and the play dies. All that is because for 3 years they have been coached to play that way.
You have to have in game nouse and guile and neither Mbye nor Lichaa has it
Playing to a coached structure is fine, but you have to know when to cut loose in vital areas, Reynolds does it