by Milchcow Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:02 pm
robelgordo wrote:
Yeah but Vic went up exponentially after that. First wave back in March (mostly NSW) went up exponentially. NSW is not doing that - actually has the "flattened curve" everyone was aspiring to after the first lockdown. Not elimination like NZ implemented, or some of the smaller Aus states achieved, but definitely suppression.
It's funny because I was one of the alarmists first time - I think one person suggested I was "deathriding the NRL" - yet now I'm pretty comfortable with the situation as it currently stands.
I expect we'll have some of the restrictions re-imposed (some have been already), but I don't see a Vic-style lockdown happening just yet.
For weeks NSW basically had 0 cases outside of returned cases in quarantine
Now they are all coming from pubs, clubs and restaurants, many of which are doing little to no social distancing.
There's people catching COVID, then going out to eat in multiple restaurants before getting detected. There are multiple clusters developing and we are very close to having it explode out of control. Hopefully they manage to keep it contained, but returning top lockdown is a real possibility
In NRL terms, if players/officials can stay in their bubble then they have a degree of safety. But even if players themselves are safe - their kids are going to school, parents are going to eat in restaurants. Its not a foolproof situation.