by Milchcow Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:54 pm
Alfie wrote:Assuming a player averages 10 points above their price - assuming also they score the same score every week for simplicity - how long would it take them to peak?
Tough question to answer, because even if they score the same every week, the price rises take ages to max out. Its just that the last few weeks will be rises if $1-2k each
I'd say 8 weeks is close enough, but even then weeks 7 and 8 aren't huge rises
So when do you decide when a player has "maxxed out"
Realistically its not just maxxing the price of the player you are trading out, but minimising the price of the player you are trading in. No point holding on for a week to grab $10k of price rises from 1 guy if your target rises $20k the same week.
Anyway here's a bit of a graph of how a consistent $230k player will rise in price scoring 27 every week