by Milchcow Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:58 pm
I'd just like to say something based on a few comments here.
You should use someone's BE to determine when to trade, not who to trade.
Especially for season keeper choices like Hunt/Milford.
Someone like that you'll be trading in with no plans to trade out again, so you shouldn't really care about if they make money or not, all you care about his scoring potential.
BEs are very temporary, someone might have a BE of -5 this week, but put up 2 weeks of mediocre scores and suddenly there BE can look crap again, they'll stop making cash and you'll have to waste another trade to get your dud trade fixed up
If you trade Milford in over Hunt, and Hunt averages 60 for the rest of the year, and Milford averages 55, the extra cash in round 8 will be ultimately pretty useless.
Of course if Milford averages 60 and Hunt averages 55, then even though Milford is the better buy, you still probably don't ultimately care about a few extra dollars this week.
The better way to use BEs is to pick your trade targets and then use the BE to see when they have bottomed out in price (eg trying to bring in Fensom/Mannering) or topped out in price (eg trying to sell Taylor, Saifiti)
Don't get suckered into trading someone in someone just because they have a low BE and might give you 2 weeks of potentially crappy price rises.
Last edited by Milchcow on Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:00 pm; edited 1 time in total