by Milchcow Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:41 pm
I hope next week throws up some decent WFB cheap options
Just looking at what is available sub $300k
Kini - Possibly the best potential scorer of those playing week 1. but has bye round 2, and may be dumped by week 3
Jacob Gagai - will he survive when Wighton comes in? Maybe gets until Munro gets fit. Does any of that count as job security?
Then there's a bunch of Canberra players?
Weekes? If Strange doesn't get the gig
Cotric - might be the better option (and I use the term loosely, he averaged 25 as a winger last year) but who gets dumped from the Raiders backline team when Kris comes back in round 2?
Schiller - less job security than others named, if he even plays round 1
Assuming that you want a WFB on your bench but probably not your scoring 17, there are very few options that don't cost more money than you want to spend.
I assume a lot of people are just naming Kini/Bradley/Stewart and hoping it resolves itself come TLT, but there' a real possibility a lot of us will end up with Jacob Gagai and hoping he isn't shit
Other options are someone like Jesse Arthars (or even more expensive) as an NPR, and that seems like asking for trouble.
Or just playing without a backup WFB to start with and hope something turns up (Jayden Campbell in round 3?)
It almost makes Blake Taaffe and his $330k look like a stellar option (and I would rather have Taffe than Arthars)